

Astrology was the beginning of culture, concept and timing.
Astrology deployed Science and Religion.

Christian Hoffmann, Astrologer

Emotions and Hosts

Astrology defines the individual quality of being above social dogma allowing to define the social context between Individual and society.
Astrology allows the individual to align with its roots, find balance and health within natural context and society.
What more do we need?

Christian Hoffmann, Astrologer

It’s the society and its dogma that causes your inner balance to fail driving you deeper into trouble that never meant to be yours. Your life is made of your choices and those are not meant to be made for you. You are in charge of your life and responsible for your actions. Your choices will create your path.
Christian Hoffmann, Astrologer

About Time

On the following pages you may a concept that allows the idea to understand that all parts of the universe are in its place in time and meant to be the way they are.
Christian Hoffmann, Astrologer

Gravity & Astrology
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@C.T.Definitions 2019