

Pluto Transit Aquarius

Pluto transits overtune and force depth or simply act destructive (which is rarely a case). Aquarius is the sign of improvement renewal and decentralization. The word difference is describing the Aquarius quality best.
So what happens is that Pluto will destroy ideologies and manifests of ages and renew them with fixed ideologies of any sort.
During the Capricorn period that started out at 20 degrees Sagittarius in 2003 we experienced a phase of upcoming restructuring of powers and its opposing strategies based on the new world order phase of Sagittarius.
Order and manifestation was now the upcoming rule of power. Alliances were built and organized controlling the order in this world as whole setting borders in between groups of interest. Agreements of trade opened free markets in favor of those groups as well as the network of citizen security through secret services to secure the interests of power.
When Pluto reached 20 degrees in Capricorn in February 2018 the time in which the manifestation of new ideologies emerge. This will be not such an easy ride in which we assume the best for all. Pluto seeks power and the ideas of extreme minds will reign around ideas that enable specific groups above others. We already experienced the upcoming reinvention of conservatism during the Pluto phase in the second decade 2013-2018.
With the entry into the third decade we will see more definitions of conservatism and manifestations will be changed to support neo conservative ideologies.
Over time we will realize which way it goes. The closer we get to Aquarius the extremer the viewpoints may even coming to a boiling point. With the entrance of Pluto into Aquarius in November 2024 we will have results and the new order will be set. Most likely a world chopped up in conquering islands of opposing groups challenging each other’s societies. It will be a provocative time in which everyone is on his/her own meaning seeking reflection through opposing display.
There will be also new forms of commitment within this order equalizing the human being and allow individual quality and respect for such.
We talking about a time in which improvements in all directions take place and most of them are not in subjective favor.
It will be time in which we have to learn to allow subjective individuality as part of the whole.
We cannot say how this shakes out. This all can be very destructive or just an amazing global understanding. But first we have to go through struggle of power.


 ~Christian Hoffmann 9/2016 

@C.T.Definitions 2019