
Family chart

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Family charts are almost my absolute favorites.

Family history with Astrology allows you to see how your personality was established throughout your family history. 


You will learn which family member ties to your trades and with whom you have most common grounds.


In order to establish these charts for you I need as many fragmental (or complete data) I can get as well as events and its approximate timing prior.


The charts will be completed just the way as the complete personal chart readings for each person in your family (see here). In addition you receive a match plan showing your connections to each family member.


This chart estimation covers 60+ Pages of read as
Word.doc, (Reading and instructions) 
Dynamic chart.jpg,
Operational chart.jpg.

for each person listed and the conectivity plan.


The costs for at least 3 individuals is $200,- and each additional member added $30,-


Please DM or text me for any question ahead of any consultation:



Text: 704-905-8459


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@C.T.Definitions 2019